venerdì 28 agosto 2015

Non sono l'unica ahahahahahhaah

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Demi lovato rock climbing

La prima notizia che vi esce demi lovato rock climbing incident cliccate e leggete:

But she saved the best for a story about going to an indoor rock-climbing facility with a friend, squarely (and unfairly) placing the blame on her for what went down — and what went down was Demi!
I am jumping from one rock-climbing thing to the other, and I’m so excited,” Demi recalls to Conan. “I get to the middle of one of the walls, kind of high up. And I realize it’s hard and I can’t go any farther. I push off, because that’s what you do when you want to jump down when you go rock climbing, and I started falling really fast. And I realized that I never actually harnessed myself in. I was just, like, Spiderman-ing it, you know? My friend Natalie … she let me fall!” Demi says, laughing. “Well, I fell because I was an idiot.

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